Brookfield Office

(203) 300-2347

Danbury Office

(203) 221-5361

5 Common Chiropractic Techniques for Back Pain and Neck Pain

Back pain and neck pain can make certain tasks challenging and affect your daily life. At Integrated Health & Wellness LLC in Danbury, CT, we offer treatment that is designed to alleviate the discomfort and help you return to your normal routine without being hindered. Before you visit us, learn about 5 common chiropractic techniques used to relieve back pain and back pain below:

Chiropractic Adjustment

This is usually the first treatment our chiropractor will use to help provide relief. Since misalignment can commonly cause back pain and neck pain, a chiropractic adjustment can help eliminate the discomfort. We will use gentle pressure and thrusts to correct misalignments, as proper alignment allows your body to function correctly. With treatment, you may notice reduced pain and improved flexibility. Chiropractic adjustments can also improve nervous system function and reduces your risk of injury.


Acupuncture uses tiny needles which are inserted into your skin. The treatment can relieve pain by stimulating areas of your body. Along with that, the technique increases blood flow, reduces inflammation, and releases endorphins.

Lifestyle and Nutritional Advice

Lifestyle and nutritional changes can help relieve your pain as well. Our chiropractor may recommend an exercise regimen, spending less time using electronic devices, and supplements to reduce inflammation and improve your overall health.

Corrective Exercises

Corrective exercises can also be beneficial for back pain and neck pain. Our chiropractor will teach you the exercises at our office and then you will continue them at home. These exercises can strengthen weak muscles and improve your flexibility, which can relieve pain over time.

Cold Laser Therapy

Cold laser therapy is another treatment for neck pain and back pain. Laser therapy uses a low-level laser to penetrate deep into the tissues, which stimulates cell regeneration, increases blood flow, and reduces inflammation. The treatment can be relaxing and offers quick relief.

Contact us for Treatment Today!

If you are experiencing back pain or neck pain, our team at Integrated Health & Wellness LLC in Danbury, CT, is happy to help. We will evaluate your condition and develop a well-rounded treatment plan to relieve your discomfort and improve your quality of life. To schedule an appointment, contact us at (203) 221-5361 today!


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